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Our School

"The object of an education is to prepare the young to educate themselves throughout their lives"

                                                 -Robert M Hutchins

Gan Rina Nursery has now been a staple in our community for over 40 years! And as our community has grown and changed, our program, has grown and changed as well.

We have experienced the pride of watching many of our students develop and thrive as they move through life. We have seen them move on to elementary, high school, and college; we have seen them get married and have children of their own; we have even gotten to experience the wonderful joy that comes when we see students returning to send their own children to Gan Rina, or even, in some cases, come join our staff!

Our longevity is greatly do to our commitment to and belief in our students abilities. We at Gan Rina Nursery pride ourselves on being more than a day care, but rather a true school program with a strong and ever developing and evolving curriculum. We believe that it is our responsibility to provide all of our students with a strong foundation on which they can build as they move through life.

Get Involved!

As long standing members of the community we have often benefited from the many talents of parents in our neighborhood.

If you have any skills, services, products, or time that you can donate or share with the school we will gladly work with you.

Please contact Morah Rue for more information on how you can help support our program.

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